Being a good client will bring endless pleasures as it allows for a mutually respectful transaction of services and genuinely good time. We value our clients at Ada Rose offering bespoke service and old fashioned gentlemanly treatment at every visit. When you are new to seeing an escort though, you might feel awkward or not know what is expected or appreciated. While we don’t have the same expectations of flowers, chocolates or other gifts, here’s a few pointers on behaving well so we can help you behave naughty!
1. Don’t Haggle.
Our prices are listed on our website and clearly outline what is expected to be included for your booking. Ada Rose offers high quality services for you to enjoy for a very reasonable cost. Haggling the price with reception gives a bad impression of how you might behave in the room with our lovely escort. Haggling behaviour could make them feel uncomfortable, undervalued or like their boundaries will not be respected. Consequentially, nobody will be having a good time. Being a good client at Ada Rose and accepting the set fees as listed will ensure that taking care of payment will be smooth and hassle free. We appreciate the time and value that clients put in to coming to see us and in return offer premium services like no where else.
2. Be on Time.
Making an appointment with an escort is as time valuable as making any kind of appointment. A good client will let us know so we can make arrangements to move your appointment if needed. We will be able to accommodate you more professionally when you are on time or if you can let us know if you are running late. There is nothing worse than getting sexy and hot for the client not show up at all.
3. Remember Hygiene.
Our escorts take pride it keeping themselves looking sensational and nothing short of a walking heart attack. This way you can be guaranteed to have your fantasies come alive. Showering before you booking will make it more enjoyable for both of you. A lady knows that she can give the best service on a clean canvas.
4. Be Respectful.
It’s easy to get carried away in the heat of the moment and let your dirty talk freak flag fly. However there is a difference between saying something that is sexy or hot to hear and saying something offensive. Our escorts are providing you with a service in companionship and desire and deserve respect as do you, the client. A good client will show as much respect and appreciation for the escorts time and service as they themselves expect in return.
5. Understand Boundaries.
And finally, everybody has limits to what they enjoy and what they don’t. Having a good time in the bedroom is as much about what moves you’ve got as it is listening to your sexual partner. A good client understands this and will make sure to listen and be listened to. Pressuring an escort to perform natural services or extend the time will only make for an uneasy time that won’t result in a happy ending! Nobody wants that!